Collector's Project Homepage

The Collector's Project

- Final project for CS1320: Modern Web Applications
- Database for archaeological artifacts
- Users can create accounts, upload artifacts, and make queries
- Built frontend using JavaScript, HTML, CSS
- Click here to view the repository

Chatroom Screenshot


- Created a Node application that makes use of Express, AJAX,, hogan.js, and any-db
- Allows users to create and join unique chatrooms; keeps track of current members and past messages of each chatroom. Notifies members when user has joined, left, or changed nickname.

Screenshot of HOLIDAYS Chome extension


- Google Chrome extension created for Hack@Brown
- Displays an obscure holiday daily when new tab is opened
- User can access most visited pages when extension icon is clicked
- Built with JavaScript, HTML, CSS
- Click here to download!

Screenshot of HOLIDAYS Chome extension

Lovely Ghibli Search Tool

- Created live filtering page that filters Studio Ghibli films by title search, director, and mood
- Implemented data binding
- Built with JavaScript (React), HTML, CSS

Screenshot of wine bottles

Interactive Wine Bottles

- Modeled and UV wrapped various wine bottles based on products of Aldi UK
- Wrote code for interactive clicking, camera zooming, and bottle animation
- Implementing clicking with the collada models did not work since the raycaster did not recognize the models, so I used "invisible" planes for raycasting instead
- Built with JavaScript (three.js)
- View project here

Screenshot of Etihad ad

Etihad Airways 360 Mobile Ad

- Created multiple 3D views, as well as interactive interface for "moving" through views
- Built with JavaScript (three.js), HTML, CSS
- Some challenges in implementing the clickable arrows included using 3D models initially, which the raycaster would not recognize. Thus, planes had to be used to create the arrows.
- View project here

Screenshot of Aldi ad

Summer Drinks 2D Mobile Ad

- Implemented carousel and clickables
- Implemented intro animation using spritesheets
- Built with JavaScript (three.js), HTML, CSS
- View project here

Screenshot of Cruise ad

Fred Olsen Cruises 360 Mobile Ad

- Implemented 3D views and clickables
- Built with JavaScript (three.js), HTML, CSS
- Instead of using a panoramic view, I had to implement multiple cubes consisting of planes for the various 3D views.
- View project here